Hello world! A Little Introduction

Hello world! This is going to be a little introduction to the site, and what it will provide.

Yes this is going to be yet another Movie and Music review site, but with more. There will also be analysis, lists, and parties! Well maybe not parties, but fun. I will provide brutally honest reviews and get to the point and speak my voice.

I will try to write as many movie reviews as I can. I used to have a blog called Ritz Reviews, yes it was me. I was also a user on rotten tomatoes (actually two); FJ, and OneCriticToRuleThemAll (I had a conceded phase). I also wrote for the websites; ItsJustMovies and The Critical Critics, but I have inevitably stopped with both, so here I am!

Music I have never formally written reviews for, but have been a faithful listener of it! I listen to all kinds, except country (DIE COUNTRY, DIE)! I will review all albums fairly and honestly nonetheless. I will start reviewing new albums weekly starting in 2011, but until then it will random and spastic with reviews of albums I just decide to listen to!

And expect lists a-plenty!

– Frank